Keynote Talks

This schedule is subject to change without notice.


Glenn Fedzer

Conselheiro da Seção de Meio Ambiente, Ciência, Tecnologia e Saúde (ESTH) da Embaixada dos Estados Unidos no Brasil

Strategic Framework for US Space Diplomacy


Dr. Garik Gutman

Manager NASA Headquarters - The NASA Land Cover/Land Use Change Program

Land Cover/Land Use Change: Focus on South America


Dra. Adriana Elysa Alimandro Corrêa

Agência Espacial Brasileira - AEB

National Satellites and Space Area Initiatives in the Northeast Brazilian Region


Dra. Aline Veloso

Agência Espacial Brasileira - AEB

AEB Escola Program: Inspiring young talents for the Brazilian space sector


Dr. Daniel Vila

Regional Office for the Americas; World Meteorological Organization - WMO/OMM - Switzerland

Early Warnings for All (EW4All) Initiative/ Geostationary Regional Satellite Project


MSc. Catarina Paes Duarte / Dr. Jose Luiz Moutinho / Dr. Milton Kampel

Air Centre / Air Centre / Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE

Copernicus data and services: connecting users and economic actors

Copernicus Marine Services: Marine Data to meet the Blue Economy Challenges; How to involve users and stakeholders in the design and development of EO services and products; Copernicus Scientific Data Hub Brasil and Marine Applications

Dr. Othon Cabo Winter

Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP – Brasil

Dynamics of and around irregular minor bodies: deep space missions


Dra. Angela Stickle

Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory - USA

Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART): NASA's first planetary defense test mission


MSc. Girly Lucena

Deep Space Network at NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory - JPL - USA

Deep Space Network


Dr. Antonio Fernando Bertachini de A. Prado

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE

Space mission engineering


Dra. Raissa Estrela

Exoplanets Discovery & Science - NASA – JPL – USA

Revealing the Atmosphere of Exoplanets with the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes


MSc. João Sergio Beserra de Lima

Agência Espacial Brasileira - AEB

Knowledge Governance in Space R&D: mitigating Knowledge Risks as an agent for optimizing the national space sector


Dra. Rosa Duran

NUCLIO - Nucleo Interactivo de Astronomia

Science, scientists and citizens


Dr. Ernesto Lopez Baeza

Environmental Remote Sensing - Faculty of Physics - University of Valencia - Spain

Earth Observation in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals